Cartoon Review: The Garfield Show

Recently, my son has discovered “The Garfield Show” and wanted to watch it as his morning cartoon. It is one of the easily tolerated cartoons for adults to endure. I’ve caught myself paying attention to the show when it is on. I don’t find it to be annoying like some of the cartoons we’ve watched have been. There is enough of a plot for adults to be entertained and yet the animation makes it appealing to toddlers. It seems to be a good option for parents to watch with their toddlers. Since I do have a few concerns about the … Continue reading

Cartoon Review: Chowder

In our home, most all of the television that we watch is something I’ve pulled up from our recorded shows. We rarely watch live television. Because of this, my son hasn’t seen many of the cartoons that are shown on live television. Up until recently, the only cartoons that my son had been exposed to were the following: *Tom & Jerry *Spongebob Squarepants *Looney Toons *Dora the Explorer *Garfield Most of the time, my son watches recorded episodes of Spongebob Squarepants or his dvd collection of seasons of Spongebob. Since he was so interested in everything Spongebob, I never really … Continue reading

Oatmeal Pancakes: A Simple Way To Increase Milk Supply

I’ve written before about how eating oatmeal can boost a breastfeeding mother’s milk supply. Because I plan to breastfeed for a long time and want to keep my milk supply up, I’m always on the lookout for recipes that include oatmeal. The other morning, I was really jonesin’ for some pancakes. As I searched around on the internet for a pancake recipe, I was delighted to find that many recipes included oatmeal. After comparing several recipes and tweaking them to fit personal taste (and the ingredients I happened to have on hand), this is the recipe I came up with: … Continue reading