Dylan Meets A Toad

Yesterday, Dylan had an encounter of the toad kind. He has always been captivated by animals and he gets very excited when he sees animals in our yard. Every time he sees a chipmunk, bird, butterfly, or other critter he runs towards it and says “Ninin hold?” Ninin is the way that he pronounces his name, and he so wants to hold every animal he sees. I have often explained that the animals run away from him because they do not know that he is a nice boy. I don’t have the heart to tell him that the animals are … Continue reading

Safety Tips For A No Bummer Summer

Summer is all about sun and fun, right? While this is true, for summer to truly be fun, you have to play it safe. Avoid summer bummers like injury and illness with the following safety tips that are aimed to help you and your toddler get the most enjoyment out of the beautiful weather. One of the most common – and most painful summertime ailments is sunburn. Gone are the days when a suntan was required summer attire, especially for kids. These days, sun protection is serious business. Of course, toddlers can be finicky, so enlist their help in choosing … Continue reading