Toddler Road Trip Wrap Up

Last night we returned to our home after a nine day vacation with my parents. Four out of those nine days were spent on the road, driving for many hours. This post is for any parent who is wondering whether it is a good idea to take such a long trip with a toddler (or, as in our case, a toddler and a baby). I am not sure if there was a specific reason that our trip went relatively smoothly, but it did. There were certainly moments where things got pretty intense, but we worked through them. When I stopped … Continue reading

Community Activities For Toddlers

If you stay home with your toddler, chances are that you have realized that being a stay at home parent does not always entail as much staying at home as the title may imply. Some of this may be due to your own need to get things done like grocery shopping and other errands, but some of it depends on the temperament of your toddler. Personally, I spend quite a bit of time at home and I could stay at home for days, but Dylan likes to go places. In fact, if we don’t go somewhere on any given day, … Continue reading

Planning For A Vacation With Your Toddler

In about a month, my husband and I will be taking our sons on our annual vacation to Cape Cod. My dad has a time – share week there, and we go there to stay with him. Last year and the year before that, we had a great time vacationing with Dylan. This year will be the first time that Blake goes to Cape Cod. While I am not worried about our vacation, I do want to prepare myself (and my husband) for our first lengthy excursion with a two and a half year old and a baby who will … Continue reading

Routines Are Good For Toddlers And Parents Too

Many toddlers (and their parents) benefit from having routines that they follow on a daily basis. Routines do not have to be rigid or make you feel trapped. For toddlers, routines provide a sense of order which helps them to feel secure because they know what they can usually expect to be happening and when. As your toddler grows, routines can even help him or her to learn things like how to tell time and days of the week. For adults, routines are a great time management tool which can help them to get the things they need to do … Continue reading

Going Places With Your Toddler

When you have a toddler, you may sometimes feel like it is quite a procedure to go out anywhere. Going out with your toddler, whether it is to the grocery store, the playground, or other places that you want to go or need to go is a good thing. Both of you benefit from contact with other people, and going to different places expands your toddler’s view of the world and gives him or her many opportunities for learning. It is worth the effort to go places with your toddler in tow, and the good news is that often a … Continue reading

Juggling Your Kids Activities

The kids are going back to school and now the juggling act begins. I know as a single mother making sure Hailey was able to get to all the places she needed to go while still working full time was a challenge. I have no idea how single mothers with multiple children manage to do it, but not only do they do it, they make it look easy. Once school starts so do the activities, sports, dance, after school activities, going to a friend’s house to do a project, it seems that every day there is somewhere new they need … Continue reading

Start A New Tradition – Recycle Your Tree

Your family might have a lot of traditions surrounding Christmas that have been handed down from one generation to another. Does your family always get a live Christmas tree, instead of a reusable plastic one? If so, this year might be a great time to start a brand new Christmas tradition. How will your family recycle the Christmas tree after Christmas is over? Not every Christmas tradition is something that all family members can take part in. Not all young children are going to be ready to help decorate the tree. This is particularly true if the child is a … Continue reading

Yes, I Bribed My Toddler

Two nights ago, The Vest arrived at our house and last night, a respiratory therapist came over to show us how to use it and decide which level was good for Maggie. What is The Vest? The Vest is an amazing tool for people living with cystic fibrosis and other respiratory conditions. It replaces chest physical therapy, which involved us moving Maggie into different positions and pounding on her lungs (chest, sides and back) with little percussers or our hands. The Vest compresses and vibrates and shakes lose any mucus and gunk that is settling in the lungs. It helps … Continue reading

Places to Play

The temperature has consistently been over 90 degrees in our area of North Texas for weeks. It’s not even mid-June yet and we’re sweltering. I love the heat, but it’s not the best to be out in for long periods of time. I’ve written about how our lack of a fence limits how Jessie can play outside. This leaves me looking for safe places where Jessie can play. I took Jessie to the park in the middle of our small town. We didn’t stay long because the play equipment was geared toward older children instead of toddlers. This was very … Continue reading

Language Development in Toddlers

Two-year olds are generally talkers, though most of the time we do not even know what they’re saying. However, their words mean something to them. The toddler’s mind is ahead of their mouth literally. Their new motor skills are not coordinated with each other. In the mind of the toddler, all the words are right, but when they try to convert the thought to speech, gibberish comes out. Don’t worry if sometimes they sound like they are saying complete sentences in a foreign language. Most toddlers will gradually get better at forming their words in due time. To assess a … Continue reading