Apples Are Awesome!

I love all four of the seasons that we have here in Vermont, but I must say that if I were pressed to pick a favorite, Fall would be the one that I like best. Now that I have children, I am able to share my love of all things autumn with them. Number one on my to – do list for this fall was apple picking. Last Friday, my dad came to town for a visit. I thought that apple picking would be the perfect way for us all to spend an afternoon together. Unfortunately, none of the apple … Continue reading

Maybe He Does Not Realize That It Is A Vegetable?

If you are experiencing or have experienced a period of time when your toddler refuses to eat vegetables, you are not alone. In fact, most toddlers go through some variation of this phase at one time or another. For about the past month or so, Dylan has been known to declare that he “does not like vegetables” when they are placed on his plate. Parents differ in how they approach the no – veggies situation. At our house, the way that I am dealing with this phase of Dylan’s development can be summarized as “put them on the plate and … Continue reading

He Never Ceases To Amaze Me

As toddlers grow, they often surprise their parents with the depth and range of emotions that they experience. The other day, Dylan treated me to a glimpse of an emotion that is not often associated with toddlers – generosity. Not just the sharing kind of generosity, but the kind of generosity that involves giving and expecting nothing in return. We were out hiking, and suddenly Dylan stopped in the middle of the trail to pick something up. I was halfway through asking him not to pick any more leaves off of the trees when I realized that he was not … Continue reading

More Than Meets the Eye

“Oh my goodness! Look at that strange bird,” I exclaimed while pointing to a black object that kept darting and diving around a sledding hill near our home. “That’s not a bird, Mommy,” replied my 6-year-old. “It’s a helicopter.” Lo and behold my daughter was absolutely right. What I saw as a mutated black buzzard was actually a remote control helicopter being piloted by a neighbor kid. Even with contacts, my 20/500 vision cannot be corrected well enough to compete with my child’s razor-sharp eagle eyes. “I don’t even need binoculars to see,” she added proudly. “My talents are reading, … Continue reading

What is the Right Way …

I’ve homeschooled my children from the beginning, and have given advice to countless moms who want to begin teaching their children at home. Among the questions I hear are these: “What is the right way to encourage my children?” “How do I help them feel motivated?” “What can I do to keep their interest?” When I am asked these questions, I always turn to them and say, “You’re the only one who has the answer to that.” As parents, we know our children inside and out. We know them in ways that no teacher, professor, principal, or friend ever could. … Continue reading

ABC Soap Opera Uses Homeschooling In Story Line

The media is at it again. This time ABC Soap Opera One Life to Live is doing a story line where a father (Todd) wants to isolate his daughter 16-year-old daughter (Starr) from her boyfriend and other kids and forces her to homeschool. Todd also cuts off his daughter’s cell phone, internet access and all access to the outside world. He feels that these changes are for is daughters own good and tries to convince her of the same to no avail. It never ceases to amaze me how the media manages to find ways to control popular opinion. While … Continue reading

Heidi Throws Her Hat into the Britney Ring and CW Cleans House – Again!

It never ceases to amaze me how celebrities are coming out of the wood works to offer advice and help to Britney Spears. Who is the latest celebrity to offer her advice and help? It is none other than “Project Runway” host and model Heidi Klum. Heidi has said in an interview that Britney can come and live with her, hubby Seal, and their three children. The supermodel says her family would welcome Britney with open arms to help her put her life back together. Associated Press is saying Heidi said, “She can call me and come live in our … Continue reading

Expect to Revisit Some Things

I have written recently here in the Single Parenting Blog about the importance of processing unfinished business in regards to divorce, separation, and other unpleasant ways of becoming a single family. I’ve stressed how we need to attend to those unresolved issues and let them go. But, I also realize that when it comes to our children, we can expect them to revisit some of the strong themes and emotions at various times in their growing up years. It never ceases to amaze me when things that I thought we well hashed-out and dealt with years ago, return as something … Continue reading

Lost And Found

Today was a beautiful day to take a walk with the boys, so I asked Dylan if he wanted to go for a walk. He did, and when I asked him where he wanted to go he told me that he wanted to walk to the old meeting house. As I packed up some snacks and water, Dylan ran to the toy room to get something. When he came back into the kitchen he was carrying Buddy, his stuffed owl. He told me that Buddy would be upset if we left her at home while we went for a walk. … Continue reading

Has This Ever Happened To You?

Yesterday I took Dylan and Blake out for a day of errands and shopping. We have gone out for errands and shopping many times before, but yesterday a few things happened that left me wondering whether other moms have experienced similar situations. The first incident happened when we were at a consignment store. I had brought in a bunch of baby clothes that Blake has already grown out of, and the store owner was looking through the box, deciding what she wanted to buy. I was looking through baby clothes in Blake’s current size and Dylan was beside me until … Continue reading