Keep Calm And Potty On

After a few weeks of relatively smooth sailing as far as potty learning is concerned, Dylan has started to regress. I think that this started some time yesterday, and there were quite a few accidents today. As tempting as it was to tell him that little boys who treat their underwear like diapers will wear diapers, I resisted. Instead, I decided that I would do some research on potty learning regression. The first thing that I learned about regression is that it is quite common. That does not take the frustration away, but it reassures me that this is not … Continue reading

When Mommy Goes Potty, Does Baby Go Too?

I’ve decided that, if any mother claims she has never brought her baby to the bathroom with her when she pees, she’s lying. Obviously it’s not something we go around proclaiming. “My baby sits on my lap while I pee!” or, “When I’m going number 2, my son continues to sleep in the front pack. He doesn’t even seem to notice the smell. ” Still, I’m pretty confident every mother has done it at least once. During the newborn stage, especially if your baby is in some type of carrier or sling, it’s simply easier to keep them bundled in … Continue reading

Pets and Home Renovations

We’ve had a lot of guests at the cats-only boarding facility lately who are in need of a safe, quiet haven while their homes are under construction. But you don’t have to remove your pets from the house while workers are there — as long as you’re careful. Make a safe room for pets. If you can, keep one room free of the chaos of construction. You can keep your pets safely in the safe room with food, fresh water, and some kind of distractions — a special toy, soft music, and tasty treats. If your pets are unsettled by … Continue reading

Indoor Fun For Toddlers

It has just occurred to me that the other day, I had written a post which alluded to writing a future post about indoor activities for toddlers. Before I forget to write that post (again), here it is. Cooler weather is here, so get ready to get cozy and have some fun. Keep a box full of interesting pieces of clothing that the kids can use to dress themselves up as whatever characters they wish to create. Encourage them to give their characters unique voices, and listen as they entertain you with their stories. Dylan has not done any in … Continue reading

Feeding Time in A Multiple Cat Household

It’s been about a month since I acquired Chrestomanci, so I’ve begun to learn how this whole multiple cat thing household works. Given my trepidation over a couple issues, like feeding and litter box time, I thought I’d share the tips I’ve learned for others thinking about adopting a second cat. My biggest concern when thinking about getting another cat was how to manage feeding time. Food has always been an issue with me with cats. Dogs are easy; most gobble their dinners down right away so that makes it much easier to regulate their diets. Cats, however, are another … Continue reading

Grooming Doom

The sulk face Yesterday evening was a dreaded night in our home, one that left my husband and me stewing in the heavy reproach that afterward permeated throughout the house. We’d perpetrated grooming night. Because each of our pets makes such a fuss, albeit in their individual ways, about grooming we figure it’s easier to do it all at once. They each get their coats brushed and nails clipped all in one go. Lately we’ve been doing the former outside, which keeps our hardwood floors cleaner and the house freer of dander allergens. It’s this outdoors grooming that really upsets … Continue reading

Grooming: Sanitary Clip

For long haired pets, a sanitary clip may be a good grooming option. What is a sanitary clip? A vet or groomer will remove hair from areas that can get stinky and dirty from urine and feces. The area may be entirely shaved or simply trimmed to make cleaning easier and prevent cling-ons. Who might benefit from a sanitary clip? Very young animals. Kittens, for example, learn how to groom themselves between the ages of one and four months. A sanitary clip can help keep them clean until they learn how to handle things themselves. Pregnant animals. That round belly … Continue reading

Chef Gordon Ramsay

If you have ever seen the reality show “Hell’s Kitchen,” you may be wondering “Just who is this Gordon Ramsay guy and what gives him the right to yell at these young chefs?” Well, let’s take a look at how Gordon Ramsay got where he is. After a potential soccer career was derailed by injuries, Ramsay turned to another interest – cooking. He studied Hotel Management at a local college then worked as a commis chef at the Wroxton House Hotel in the late ‘80s. He moved to London, then after working at Harveys for almost three years, decided to … Continue reading

Murphy Meets the Paramedics

Yesterday my mom’s health took a scary turn. She was extremely confused when she woke up. She was holding the clothes she’d been wearing the day before but saying she’d lost her clothes. Explaining she was holding her clothes only made her contemplate the bundle with confusion. As he almost always is, Murph was at my side to help with the Grandma Dorothy wakeup routine. When my mom kept saying she didn’t have her clothes but needed them because she was “going home today,” I opened her closet door and showed her all her clothes hanging there. Murph even snatched … Continue reading

The Magic of Music

Do you sing to your baby? What actually got me started thinking about this topic was our potty time ritual. My husband says it’s truly laughable–but I don’t care; it works. To help encourage the girls to stay on the potty a decent amount of time when they’re trying to go we run through various renditions of their favorite songs: Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Most of you know that I have twins, and so generally I spend 30 minutes at a time singing the nursery favorites. It occurred to me yesterday (as … Continue reading