Kids And Sugar – A Sticky Situation

Kids like to eat foods that taste sweet. That is a simple truth, and my son is no exception. My husband and I would like to think that we can prevent him from eating candy, cookies, ice cream, and other sweets until he is a bit older and, even then, very infrequently. It is not easy, though, and sometimes I wonder whether we are being unrealistic or unfair and whether our efforts to keep him nearly sugar free will have a lasting impact on his health and on his food choices. As a general rule, we don’t keep sweets at … Continue reading

Toddlers and Popsicles

With summer on its way, no doubt that you will be faced with the issue of popsicles (or other frozen treats) and toddlers. These two things seem made for each other. You can almost hear the groans of mothers all over, though, when they contemplate the mess and the extra sugar involved when toddlers and popsicles get together. Here are some tips to help parents and kids alike enjoy this little staple of summer. To help contain the mess, you can fashion your own drip tray. Use plastic lids from formula, small oatmeal containers or other packaging. Cut a slit … Continue reading

Feeding Your Toddler – What We’re Eating Now

One common dilemma faced by the parents of toddlers is getting them to stop playing and exploring for long enough to refuel their bodies with nutritious foods. Exactly how to do that is up to you. What we eat at our house and how we eat it may be different than in your home. What is most important is that we as parents offer our toddlers plenty of opportunities to eat nutritious foods throughout their day. In the morning, Dylan wakes up hungry. We all wake up at about the same time, so we head out to the kitchen. He … Continue reading

Planning For A Vacation With Your Toddler

In about a month, my husband and I will be taking our sons on our annual vacation to Cape Cod. My dad has a time – share week there, and we go there to stay with him. Last year and the year before that, we had a great time vacationing with Dylan. This year will be the first time that Blake goes to Cape Cod. While I am not worried about our vacation, I do want to prepare myself (and my husband) for our first lengthy excursion with a two and a half year old and a baby who will … Continue reading

Photography Month in Review—-February

What a month it has been. I spent the majority of February in Hawaii visiting with my ailing grandma. Naturally, I brought my camera along. Only I didn’t bring my computer, which made it hard for me to write as many blogs I am normally do. So what would be the Photography Week in Review is now (just for this entry) the Photography Month in Review. If you missed any of the exciting items covered this month now is your chance to get caught up. Photo Challenges. Can you recall your most challenging photo shoot? One of my most memorable … Continue reading