One Suggestion For Handling Tantrums

If ten strangers were in a room with you and your toddler and your toddler happened to have a temper tantrum, you would probably get ten different pieces of advice on how to respond to your wailing, flailing child. Some of the advice you might hear would probably sound too harsh while other suggestions might seem too lenient. As with parenting advice about any topic, the best thing that you could do in such a situation would be to choose the approach that seems to best fit your family and your child. As a part of my never ending quest … Continue reading

If I Were You, I Would……

Are you the recipient of much unwanted advice? Parenting in general seems to bring out everyone’s need to tell you how to do things better. Become a single parent and that advice giving is kicked up a notch. “Do you really think she should spend so much time at daycare?” “Dating? Don’t you think it’s a little soon?” “When my kids were that age I made them sleep in their own beds, you’re spoiling her.” And on and on and on, until I wanted to scream. Everyone, it seemed, knew how to raise my daughter better than I did. Everyone … Continue reading

Not So Great Expectations

Sometimes, parents get upset with their children for acting in a way that they think is inappropriate. I know I do. Today I had an experience that made me think that perhaps at least some of the time, the problem is not my child’s behavior but my own unrealistic expectations. It started out innocently enough. I was running errands and it was almost lunch time, so I mentioned a few places where we could go to eat and asked Dylan to choose one. He chose a little place called “The Chef’s Market”. At the time, it seemed like a great … Continue reading