Hand Sanitizer Can Be Dangerous for Preschoolers

It has become quite common for hand sanitizers to be used by both adults and children. People carry them in purses and bags. Schools often require a small bottle of hand sanitizer as part of the list of school supplies a child must bring to school. However, there is a potential danger that involves hand sanitizers and young children that parents need to be aware of. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. They only suggest … Continue reading

Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 2}

In part 1 of, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, I covered how to create a blog posts that attract readers.  Creating good content is the first step to creating a quality blog.  I cover this in Blogging Tips and Tricks as well.  Today, I want to cover a few more background areas before discussing opportunities, so hang in there.  When I say profitable with regards to your homeschool, I do not simply mean financially. Let’s start by exploring what makes a good homeschool blog. The competition is fierce.  While you need to be aware of what your competitors are … Continue reading

What Do Kids Do At Home Based Preschool?

One thing that is often on the mind of parents of toddlers is preschool. After all, once a toddler is no longer a toddler, he becomes part of the “preschoolers” age group whether or not he actually attends preschool. I am not sure why that is, and this morning when I was talking with my husband about it he agreed that it seems a bit odd to define an entire age group by something that not every child does. Perhaps the reason that it seems odd to us is that our soon – to – be preschooler is unlikely to … Continue reading

Preschool Is On My Mind Again

As Dylan’s third birthday approaches, I am thinking more and more about preschool. The current theme of my preschool – related thoughts has shifted from “which preschool” to “whether or not he will attend preschool”. We still have plenty of time to research and weigh our options, because if we decide that Dylan will attend preschool he would not start until January. There are still two preschools in our area that I plan to visit with Dylan, one is right in town and the other is about a half hour away. One is Montessori, and the other is Waldorf. Of … Continue reading

Our First Preschool Preview

There is something about this time of year that makes me think about school. Perhaps it is a deeply ingrained sense of anticipation of a new school year which is left over from my childhood. You see, I was one of those kids who loved school. This year, my school related thoughts involve assessing Dylan’s readiness for preschool and assessing a few preschools in my community to see whether there are any that are a good fit for him. As luck would have it, the other day when I brought Dylan to one of our favorite playgrounds, I got to … Continue reading

Preschool On My Mind

Even though Dylan will not turn three until the end of November, the topic of preschool crosses my mind at least a couple of times a week. He will not be going in the fall, as both my husband and I do not think he is ready just yet. He seems very ready in some ways, but not quite in others. For example, he is making strides with using the potty but he is not yet fully potty trained. On the other hand, although he stays home with me much of the time he thrives in group settings and is … Continue reading

The Influence of Older Siblings on Preschoolers

A preschooler is blessed to have older siblings. A big sister is great for reading bedtime stories, doing hair and laughing. A big brother will play all day outside, let you win, and doesn’t mind if you get dirty. A sweet relationship develops between older and younger siblings. There are trying times, challenges, and disagreements but in the end a bond is formed that cannot be broken. Most big brothers and sisters have no intention of being a poor influence on their younger siblings. Many times what is acceptable and age appropriate for an older sibling is not acceptable or … Continue reading

Thumb Sucking in Preschoolers

Thumb sucking is a habit that begins innocently enough. Most times the beginnings are in the womb and due to the comfort it provides it may last up until the preschool years. As my child turned three and still sucked her thumb I wondered if that were normal. My other children either did not suck their thumbs at all or not past a year old. I envisioned my preschooler in Thumb Suckers Anonymous introducing herself as “Hi, I’m Kara and I suck my thumb.” The time has come to admit that my child is a thumb addict. There are days … Continue reading

Preschool Concerns: Why doesn’t my child want to go back to school?

Preschool concerns are normal when a child resists going to school. You may find yourself wondering if your child is adjusting to this new environment. You may wonder if the teacher is doing her job. You may wonder how the other children are treating your child. When is it normal to resist preschool and when should you look for a deeper problem? How much time do you give before taking action? Is your child simply taking longer to adjust than you expect? Normal separation anxiety: Preschool is a big step for children as for most it is the first time … Continue reading