Dylan Meets A Toad

Yesterday, Dylan had an encounter of the toad kind. He has always been captivated by animals and he gets very excited when he sees animals in our yard. Every time he sees a chipmunk, bird, butterfly, or other critter he runs towards it and says “Ninin hold?” Ninin is the way that he pronounces his name, and he so wants to hold every animal he sees. I have often explained that the animals run away from him because they do not know that he is a nice boy. I don’t have the heart to tell him that the animals are … Continue reading

The Toddler Personality – A Multifacted Gem

Have you ever simply sat back and watched as your toddler interacted with other people? I had several opportunities to do that today, and I really enjoyed it. From the moment that they are born, our children reveal to us a little bit more each day about who they are. Spending time around other people enables your toddler to show you different facets of his personality than he does when he’s at home with you. For example, I took Dylan to story time at our local library this morning. Two of his friends were there too, and they all love … Continue reading

Unrealistic Expectations Are No Fun For Anyone

Today, I realized that one of the most frustrating things about being the parent of a toddler has nothing to do with the toddler at all. Nor does it have anything to do with his two month old baby brother. Nope, the source of my frustration is none other than – myself. You see, I have been setting unrealistic expectations for myself and then getting mad at myself for falling short of them. Examples are helpful, so let’s take a minute to compare what I had hoped to accomplish today with what I actually did accomplish. Keep in mind that … Continue reading

Building Your Toddler’s Vocabulary

The other day while we were at the playground, Dylan and I received a wonderful compliment. A woman who was playing with her little girl on the swing next to the swing where I was playing with Dylan remarked that he seemed to have quite a large vocabulary for someone who is two and a half years old. The woman is a day care provider, so she has a lot of experience with toddler talk. Her comment is very meaningful to me because I feel that one of the most important things that I can do for Dylan is to … Continue reading

Rock Your Routine With These Boredom Busters

Last month, I discussed the importance of routines for toddlers and their parents. In that same post, I mentioned that within the structure of your days there is plenty of room for freedom. It is important that we as parents make good use of that freedom both for ourselves and for our children so that none of us get bored. What kinds of things can you do in those spaces between your regular daily activities? The list is as limitless as your imagination. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Grab an empty dish pan, some dish soap, … Continue reading