Staying Present, Staying Calm

When you are the parent of a toddler, your mind might spend much of its time engaged in gymnastics. It leaps forwards, backwards, then stops briefly to notice something that your child is doing right now only to dart off again in another direction as you think about things you want or need to do or ponder things that you have already done. With all of those mental gymnastics going on, it’s no wonder that you are exhausted by the end of the day. Sometimes, I find myself so mentally exhausted by the time the boys go to bed that … Continue reading

To Santa or Not to Santa?

The Thanksgiving turkey has been enjoyed and we are now digging into the leftovers. Christmas trees are for sale at roadside farm stands. Town centers have put up lights and wreaths. It is the Christmas season, and for parents of small children, one common question is whether or not to take their children to the mall (or elsewhere) for the ubiquitous photo with Santa Claus. When I was a child, my sister and I went to see Santa at the mall almost every year. I am not sure how young we were the first time, and I am not sure … Continue reading

Happy Birthday Dylan

It’s nearly official. Dylan went to bed as a two year old, and when he awakens in the morning it will be his third birthday. Good night, toddler, good morning, preschooler. I’m not sure that I agree with all of those people who say that “it goes by so fast”, but that might be either because not enough time has passed and I’ll be saying it a few years from now or because I have been lucky enough to stay home with him and experience (nearly) every waking moment of his toddlerhood. There is no one word that sums up … Continue reading

Birthday Party Behavior Issues, Part 2

Yesterday we spoke about how to prepare your child. Today let’s discuss how to prepare yourself and handle poor behavior in guests. How can you prepare yourself? *Try to understand that your birthday child is very excited about the party. All the emotion could easily be misdirected into a meltdown. So stay positive and understanding. *Stay flexible. Changes may have to be made so be prepared. *You put a lot of time and energy into this celebration. Now it is time to enjoy this special day with your child and your guests. How do you handle poor behavior in guest? … Continue reading

Show Some Respect

Recently FatherBlogger started a forum topic about the best way for a boy to learn to respect women. I suggested a boy needed the example at home of a father who showed that respect to his wife. But it really goes much deeper than that. Marriage to me is about love certainly, but also respect and loyalty to each other. I am horrified sometimes to hear the way women deride their husbands to other women. Where is the loyalty to the one they are married to? By the same token there are guys who publicly ridicule and sling off about … Continue reading

It Doesn’t Feel Like I’m Overreacting at the Time!

Keeping my cool, staying calm, achieving a state of Zen—however I try to describe it, it all comes down to my trying NOT to overreact around the parenting issues or things that happen in our family… I have to say that at the time, my reactions feel entirely appropriate. I wrote earlier today about how I have a hard time keeping my cool when dealing with institutions, bureaucracies and difficult “customer service” representatives—at the time, my anger and frustration seem absolutely justified. Maybe they are not very productive, but they feel natural! I know in my head, however, that staying … Continue reading

Celebrating Year 12: You and Me, So Happy Wii Be

Yesterday Wayne and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe that twelve years ago, in a little church in Denver, we exchanged I Dos. In some respects it feels like just yesterday, in others it seems so much longer than that. (But in a good way.) Like many little girls, I had always dreamed of being married. I had never dreamed of a church wedding, though. I had never really dreamt about the ceremony at all, save for wearing a beautiful gown and standing at an altar with my groom looking dreamily into each other’s eyes. (Goes back … Continue reading