Keep Calm And Potty On

After a few weeks of relatively smooth sailing as far as potty learning is concerned, Dylan has started to regress. I think that this started some time yesterday, and there were quite a few accidents today. As tempting as it was to tell him that little boys who treat their underwear like diapers will wear diapers, I resisted. Instead, I decided that I would do some research on potty learning regression. The first thing that I learned about regression is that it is quite common. That does not take the frustration away, but it reassures me that this is not … Continue reading

Potty Learning On The Go

Tomorrow, the boys and I are headed out of town for the weekend. We are going to Maine to stay at my husband’s parents’ cottage, which just happens to be located less than an hour from the town where my favorite fair is being held this weekend. The trip would take about six hours, if we drove non stop. I have no idea how long it will actually take us, nor do I have any expectations of getting there at a certain time. You see, this trip could take a while because Dylan is on an important journey of his … Continue reading

The Potty Learning Journey Continues

Today, Dylan took another step in the direction of declaring his independence from diapers. The way that we are approaching potty learning with Dylan is to let him lead the way. Yesterday I casually mentioned to him that we would be going shopping for clothes soon. He asked me if he could get real underwear. I told him that since he was doing well with learning to use the potty, we could get some underwear because we do not go shopping that often and we would want to have the underwear close by for when he was ready to use … Continue reading

An Afternoon At The Fair

Yesterday, I took Dylan and Blake to the Tunbridge World’s Fair in nearby Tunbridge, Vermont. There are many fairs and harvest festivals in New England in the fall and I thought that it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon with the boys. It was so cute to see the excited look on his face as we went towards the gate and he began to see the fairgrounds. Once we got inside, Dylan told me that he wanted to play games first. We played a couple of kid – friendly games and he won a few little prizes. … Continue reading

Every Day Is Different

Sometimes it can be very difficult to try to figure out what contributes to whether it is going to be a good day or a challenging day around here. We have both good and tough days when we stay home most, if not all of the day. We also have both excellent days when we are on the go all day long and very difficult times when we are out and about. It is entirely possible that there is no rhyme or reason to it, so perhaps I should just stop trying to figure it out and simply let the … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Boss You Around?

Today was an interesting day, as are most days with a toddler. From the moment that he woke up this morning until the time that he went to bed this evening, Dylan wanted everything to be a very specific way and he wanted it immediately. I did the best that I could to keep up with the stream of demands, but I seemed to always fall short or miss the mark. For example, at breakfast, I made another batch of mini – frittatas just for him because he would not touch the ones with vegetables in them. As they were … Continue reading