Have Fun this Summer

I never put together a summer bucket list.  I saw blogs filled with printables and ideas for a bucket list and just pushed the idea aside.  I quietly envied those with the freedom for a bucket list but figured I would never have the time.  It was summer and that meant it was my time to get some projects completed and work on building up my graphic design business again.  My business partner and I have a list a mile long of how we will run our business and what services we would offer.  Most of June has consisted of … Continue reading

Indoor Fun For Toddlers

It has just occurred to me that the other day, I had written a post which alluded to writing a future post about indoor activities for toddlers. Before I forget to write that post (again), here it is. Cooler weather is here, so get ready to get cozy and have some fun. Keep a box full of interesting pieces of clothing that the kids can use to dress themselves up as whatever characters they wish to create. Encourage them to give their characters unique voices, and listen as they entertain you with their stories. Dylan has not done any in … Continue reading

Time To Get Ready For Indoor Fun

It has been getting rather chilly in the mornings and in the evenings around here. I have been trying to ignore it, and on the sunny days that is fairly easy to do because by about eleven in the morning it is usually warm enough for a short sleeved shirt. Today, calling in a heating oil delivery was on my to – do list so for a brief period of time I had to acknowledge that these sunny, warm days are soon going to give way to the damp chill of late fall and the bitter cold and snow of … Continue reading

Frozen Summer Fun

Just when I thought it was safe to turn off our air conditioner, Mother Nature turns up the heat once again. This summer, the temperatures have been so high in our neck of the woods experts have advised remaining indoors in order to avoid potential heat stroke. For parents, the dangerous heat has made playtime a bit more challenging. In our family’s case, it has actually sparked cabin fever—-something we typically deal with in the winter, but certainly not in mid-July. As a result of our forced exile to air conditioned structures, my 7-year-old and I have been getting creative … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part V

On the fourth day of our visit, we had early morning plans. I made breakfast while my sister nursed the baby and my son asked to hold the baby repeatedly. After a breakfast of an egg omelet and an orange, we got the kids ready for our early morning outing. First, stop of the morning was my sister’s chiropractic adjustment. The baby was also getting an adjustment. While, they were at their appointment, my son and I went to the convenient store across the street to buy more diapers for my son. We then returned to the chiropractor’s office just … Continue reading

Genealogy Fun With The Kids

Are your kids having trouble finding things to do during winter break? If all of the Christmas toys and freshly fallen snow are unable to provide enough entertainment, why not get them into a genealogy project or two. Even something as simple as sitting down with old photo albums and some refreshments can be a memorable experience, especially since kids tend to say what is on their minds. Get ready for some laughs as they ask you (in their own, uninhibited words) why Grandma is wearing “that hideous outfit”, why Great-Grandpa grew his beard so long, and who is that … Continue reading

More Easter Fun for Kids

It’s a rare year that our Easter weather is actually spring-like. Typically, April in Wisconsin is not the time to be putting away winter jackets and boots (that doesn’t come until July). However, this Easter might just be decent after all. If the Weather Channel is right, we should be waking up to chocolate bunnies, sunny skies, and temps in the 50s on Easter morning. If Mother Nature cooperates we will be celebrating with an outdoor Easter egg hunt. If not, we’ll be indoors executing Plan B. We won’t be letting nasty spring weather put a damper on our Easter … Continue reading

Having Fun When the Temperature Plummets

The Weather Channel is predicting snow for parts of Georgia today. I guess no one is being spared from this nasty winter weather. Of course, a little snow is nothing compared to the 40 below temps other parts of the country dealt with last week. Still, it’s a sign that Old Man Winter is far from packing up and moving out. This might be good news to kids who are itching for another snow day, but for most parents winter has already overstayed its welcome. If you are looking for new ways to beat cabin fever, consider the following: Freeze … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Family Fun Indoors and Out

For some people Thanksgiving is one of the few chances they get to visit with out-of-town relatives. If you are reuniting with your favorite cousin, a nomadic uncle or just welcoming home your college-coed son this Thanksgiving, consider doing more than just sitting around the house gorging on goodies. The long holiday weekend is the official kick-off to a number of seasonal activities, including ice-skating. Several outdoor rinks open to the public on Thanksgiving. In San Diego, where November temperatures often top 60 degrees, the outdoor Ice Arena is already open for business. If you prefer snow to ice, then … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 25th Through September 7th

Now that Fall is starting to show its colors, my kids are more exited than ever to be outside. They are busy exploring nature, examining seed pods, planting popcorn and watching migrating birds. This time of years is a wonderful time for babies to explore more of the world around them. Look for future articles about ways to do this. Meanwhile, check out what has been going on recently here in the Baby Blog. August 25th Baby Blog Week in Review: August 18th Through August 24th Somewhere near the end of summer my babies always seem to go through a … Continue reading