Keeping Toddler Toys Clean

We all know that toddlers can be very messy. They are just learning to do so many new things. They haven’t quite mastered coordination yet. They are too busy to slow down and “be careful.” So, accidents will happen. With toys, the possibility of acquiring germs is probably limitless. Toddlers may still put toys in their mouths. They certainly have plenty of germs on their hands. Even if their hands are washed frequently, toddlers check out most everything with their hands. They also wipe their nose, pet the dog, pick up trash and then go right back to playing with … Continue reading

Toddler Safety

Toddlers are always busy exploring the world around them. They are learning new things every day. Not only do toddlers forget what we tell them about safety, they also like the idea of exploring something that they were told not to explore. It doesn’t take long for a toddler to get hurt. In the time it takes for you to wash your hands, your toddler could drown in the bathtub or pull a hot pot off of the stove onto themselves. Danger is everywhere when you have a toddler in your home. Childproofing your home isn’t enough to avoid accidents, … Continue reading

Toddler Imaginations

I have read in many articles that it is wise to support children in their imaginary play. I have tried to do this with my son. I have found his imaginary play very entertaining and amusing. Only in one scenario do I find it to be a problem. My son has decided that, at meal times, he wants to pretend to be a cat. We have cats and my son has played with them since he was old enough to walk. My son has recently started placing his plate on the floor and eating on all fours. This bothers me. … Continue reading

Toddler Behavior in Restaurants

We’ve all seen screaming toddlers in nice, quiet restaurants. Before I was a mother, I resented the parents who took their children into the restaurant and didn’t make them behave properly. Now, I sympathize with them. I am one of them. It isn’t that I don’t try to make my toddler behave properly when we are in a restaurant. I try. It’s just that I am not always successful in my attempts. My son’s behavior seems to depend on a number of factors: fatigue and hunger. One of the things that I learned quickly is that my son hates waiting … Continue reading

Toddler Emergency Room Visits

Have you ever thought of what you would need to do if your child was hurt or sick enough to be taken to the emergency room? Do you have a checklist of emergency information? I had never thought of what I would do in the event of an emergency until my son got seriously ill. My toddler has been sick and my only thought was to take him to our pediatrician. Now that the weekend is upon us and my son is getting worse, I am faced with thinking about a back-up plan. What would I do if he needed … Continue reading

Sparkler Safety

The 4th of July, what fond memories we have of fireworks, sparklers, lots of good food and running around outside long after dark. It was always so much fun and I don’t remember any injuries. Things have changed and with all the fireworks that you can buy in any store now, the incidence of injuries rises. I learned today that sparklers burn at 2,000 degrees and are the number one reason for firework related emergency room visits. As a child, I didn’t know that, as an adult, I’ve experienced it first hand. When Hailey was little a group of us … Continue reading

Happy Birthday E

I wish a great big happy birthday to my baby daughter. Baby E is one. I can’t believe it. Where did the time go? I can’t believe I now have two toddlers. Baby E has been an adventure. She has not had the best health, but has always been happy. I always said that she’s the happiest miserable baby. We finally got a lot of her misery under control when we got her on the right medicine and formula combination. Baby E has a lot of doctors and only the pediatrician and dentist are not specialists. We’ve been to the … Continue reading

Your Medical Record Binder

As I previously mentioned keeping your medical records are extremely important. When I got the very first mammogram results and ultrasound findings I put them aside. When I got my lumpectomy pathology report I started my cancer binder. In this binder I put all pathology reports, lab results, and I even got copies of my oncologist notes to keep for my own records. My Oncologist seemed to feel that it was not necessary but as you will find out later it came in very handy. If you are going on any major medical journey I feel that keeping an up … Continue reading

Doctor Day Bag Essentials

So we’ve had a busy couple of days. All I can say is that I’ve seen the inside of the children’s hospital way too much lately. But that’s okay. We go prepared. It makes life a lot easier. We have to spend a couple of hours in one small room waiting to meet with a nurse, a doctor, a respiratory therapist, a social worker, and the random medical student! So to prepare for the long day, my daughter and I pack her a bag of essentials and the fun stuff. A “Newer” Toy. We bring any newer toy that she … Continue reading

Did You Have to Get Sick on a Sunday?

Does it ever seem like your child gets sick more often on a Saturday or Sunday than any other day of the week? It has seemed like that at our house lately. Two Saturdays ago, I was sure our daughter had an ear infection, so I made an appointment for her. Luckily, despite the fact that it was Saturday, a pediatrician was available to see her. We entered the nearly empty waiting room, and I questioned whether it was a good idea for us to be there. The only other people in there were a mother and teenage daughter, who … Continue reading