Safe Swimming With Your Toddler

Ah, summertime. There is nothing that calms an overheated and cranky toddler like a dip in the pool, lake, river, ocean, or even the bathtub. It is important to play it safe around water, and most parents know the basics of water safety. Things like supervising your toddler’s watery adventures, making sure your toddler gets out of the water before they get too cold, and teaching your toddler how to be safe in the water are probably second nature to most parents. There are some hazards, though, that you may not necessarily know about. Recently, at least one child that … Continue reading

Totally Over “Toddlers and Tiaras”

Enough with the bashing of the abomination that is Toddlers and Tiaras. The hit TLC reality show, which features young girls competing in beauty and glitz pageants, has been making headlines again since the airing of recent episodes that clearly illustrate that the some parents don’t utilize the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within their cranium. Translation: Dumb parents making lame-brain decisions equal big ratings and major media attention. Then again, what do you expect when you dress up your three-year-old as Julia Roberts’ prostitute character from Pretty Woman or force your four-year-old to strap … Continue reading

Toddler Hearing Test

Jessie has been working with Early Childhood Intervention for more than a year. As much as I wanted her to get speech therapy, no one would agree to it until well after she turned two. Previously it was agreed that she was communicating just fine, although not the way I wanted. I wanted to make sure that there weren’t any problems with her hearing. If she’s not hearing the sounds right, it’s no wonder she’s not repeating them. I found an ENT and scheduled her appointment. The hearing test was a lot different than when I had my hearing tested … Continue reading

Learning to Sing: hearing the music in your life – Clay Aiken

I admit it freely – I’m a huge American Idol fan. I didn’t watch it the first year, but the second year, when Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken were vying for the title, I was a religious watcher. There was just something about Clay that made me genuinely like him. I was disappointed when he didn’t win, but knowing that he’s been tremendously successful helped me to get over it. “Learning to Sing” is Clay’s story, told in his own words. Surprisingly, it’s not a blow-by-blow of everything that happened at American Idol; that chapter of his life only takes … Continue reading

What Will Happen in Your Child’s Hearing Evaluation

If your child has any of the following symptoms or risk factors, he may be referred for a hearing evaluation: Shows a lack of attention or response to sound (See my blog post “Could My Child Have a Hearing Impairment?“) Speech is delayed or difficult to understand Family history of congenital hearing loss Premature birth, or child was in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) as an infant Frequent ear infections The child contracted meningitis or cytomegalovirus Who will evaluate my child’s hearing? Your child should be referred to a pediatric audiologist, who has specialized training in childhood hearing loss. The … Continue reading

Early Intervention Services for Babies and Toddlers

Early intervention services are offered as part of the public school programs in many states. Any family who suspects a child, biological or adopted, is in need of any pre-education services will be screened and evaluated upon a parents request. The goal of these services are to identify learning disorders or other issues as early as possible and help young children be ready to start school on time and on target. The best way to find out about the services offered to you is to contact your local grade school and ask for the Early Intervention Services contact information. In … Continue reading

Debunking the Sensitive Child Myth

When my daughter was a toddler she would sob the second I altered the tone or volume of my voice. I once shouted over a noisy lawnmower and the kid cried as though she was being dangled over a pit of fire. “Oh, she’s just a sweet, sensitive girl,” the other mothers would coo when I shared my tales of frustration. To this day, my “sweet, sensitive girl” still covers her ears when she encounters loud or unexpected noises, but at least she doesn’t break down in tears. While many people are quick to label my child as “sensitive” I … Continue reading

The Blessing and Woes of Teens

My family and friends have been entering a new season. We now have teens that are of driving age, which opens up more opportunities for them to experience freedom. It is kind of a scary time. My 16-year-old son still has two more behind-the-wheel lessons and then he is scheduled to take his driving test at the end of January. He already has a car waiting for him, only because we got a great deal from a good friend. While at first I was looking at it as something that will be a convenience, lately I have been struggling to … Continue reading

Transitioning Out of ECI

Jessie will be three on November 16. I can’t believe that she’s so big. I still remember the day she joined our family when she was nine months like it was yesterday. Where did the time go? Can we stop it? Jessie has been getting therapy through Early Childhood Intervention since she came to us. I don’t know why she wasn’t enrolled in her previous foster home. Jessie has gotten occupational therapy since her initial evaluation. ECI added speech therapy when Jessie turned two. I had been asking for it before then. Today was Jessie’s last visit with ECI. Her … Continue reading

Pillow Pets

There is the cutest new toy that is perfect for toddlers. It’s called Pillow Pet. You’ve probably seen the commercials and gotten the jingle stuck in your head: “It’s a pillow. It’s a pet. It’s a Pillow Pet.” The commercial shows a variety of stuffed animals that are very fluffy and huggable. The animal looks like an animal until you pull open the hook-and-loop closure. Then the animal flattens out into a perfectly toddler-sized pillow. My toddler doesn’t pay any attention to the commercial. I do. I want a Pillow Pet. Which pet will Jessie like most? She carries a … Continue reading