Looking Through The Eyes of a Toddler

There’s nothing like spending time with a toddler to remind you how extraordinary the seemingly ordinary things in life are when you see them through the eyes of a child. The other day, I was at the mall with my boys. We went to the restroom, and Dylan discovered what seemed to him to be the eighth wonder of the world – the hand dryer. We have encountered other hand dryers before, but those were the kind where you press a button and hold your hands under the nozzle. He thinks that those are interesting, but the kind that we … Continue reading

Toddler Snacks You Can Feel Good About

If you feel like you are lucky to get a few bites of each meal into your toddler, you are not alone. Even toddlers who enjoy eating are sometimes too busy to sit down long enough to eat an entire meal. Of course, they eventually do get hungry and they usually do not let you know about it until they are starving and want something to eat immediately. Parents can help their toddlers to get the nutrition that they need by offering a variety of nutritious, easy to prepare snacks throughout the day. Snacks that include both protein and fat … Continue reading

Going Places With Your Toddler

When you have a toddler, you may sometimes feel like it is quite a procedure to go out anywhere. Going out with your toddler, whether it is to the grocery store, the playground, or other places that you want to go or need to go is a good thing. Both of you benefit from contact with other people, and going to different places expands your toddler’s view of the world and gives him or her many opportunities for learning. It is worth the effort to go places with your toddler in tow, and the good news is that often a … Continue reading

Toddler Creations

I love how creative my son is. Has your toddler built a tower out of blocks lately? Have they decorated the refrigerator with magnets or stickers? Have you shown them how to glue pieces of paper together? Have they drawn with markers on some of their toys or books? I call these “toddler creations” and I love to collect and photograph them. I want to remember, years from now, what toddler creations my son has made. I want to show off his creative ideas in his scrapbook. I want to share his creativity with our friends and family by letting … Continue reading

Toddler Behavior in Restaurants

We’ve all seen screaming toddlers in nice, quiet restaurants. Before I was a mother, I resented the parents who took their children into the restaurant and didn’t make them behave properly. Now, I sympathize with them. I am one of them. It isn’t that I don’t try to make my toddler behave properly when we are in a restaurant. I try. It’s just that I am not always successful in my attempts. My son’s behavior seems to depend on a number of factors: fatigue and hunger. One of the things that I learned quickly is that my son hates waiting … Continue reading

Toddler Emergency Room Visits

Have you ever thought of what you would need to do if your child was hurt or sick enough to be taken to the emergency room? Do you have a checklist of emergency information? I had never thought of what I would do in the event of an emergency until my son got seriously ill. My toddler has been sick and my only thought was to take him to our pediatrician. Now that the weekend is upon us and my son is getting worse, I am faced with thinking about a back-up plan. What would I do if he needed … Continue reading

Toddler Outings

In our city, we have a few places that offer educational and fun outings for kids, including toddlers. While the park is great on pretty days, those are also the days my son can play in our own backyard. It’s the rainy days and the days when we need to be indoors that presents the need for a toddler outing. When narrowing down my options for a toddler outing with my son, I end up with just a few choices. One is Chuck E. Cheese, which he loves, but it can be costly if we go there too often. Each … Continue reading

Summer Fun for Toddlers

Looking for some ways to make the most of summer’s beautiful weather while enjoying one-on-one time with your toddler? Here are a few of my favorite ideas for summer fun: OUTSIDE READING TIME Reading is a great activity for kids of all ages. During the summer months spread out a blanket under a big tree and read books to your toddler that have pictures of things you’d find outside in the summer, such as birds, butterflies, flowers, insects, the sun and clouds, etc. Point to the pictures and tell your child what each item is. You’ll be amazed at how … Continue reading

Catnaps, Naps and Your Toddler

Napping is a wonderful and regular part of your baby and toddler’s life. As a newborn, your precious bundle will sleep a great deal more than he or she will be awake. Your newborn and infant will usually nap two to three times a day. As they get older, their naps will shorten or the frequency of them will. By the time you reach toddler stage, they will likely be having just one nap per day. My daughter often took a morning nap between 9 and 11 and then later a nap between 3 and 5. By the time she … Continue reading

Baby Center’s 15 Best Baby Products of 2012

If you are in the process of planning your baby registry, you may want to take note that BabyCenter has released its list of the top fifteen baby products of 2012, as chosen by moms. Who better to offer real life feedback on what works (and doesn’t work) for babies and their parents, and, perhaps more importantly, why. Since parenting is such an individual thing, it only makes sense that there are many products out there to address the needs of different parents with different lifestyles. Of course, it makes it a little harder to pinpoint which products will work … Continue reading