When Your Toddler is Sick

One of the worst parts of parenting is seeing your child sick and not being able to do anything about it. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see my son sick. I thought that before he was talking, but now that he is talking, it has gotten worse. My son now says, “I’m good,” as if he thinks being sick is punishment. Tonight, as I write this, my heart is breaking. My son has a fever and cough and feels awful. He can’t get comfortable and he doesn’t know why. I can’t seem to get him to understand … Continue reading

Toddler Outings

In our city, we have a few places that offer educational and fun outings for kids, including toddlers. While the park is great on pretty days, those are also the days my son can play in our own backyard. It’s the rainy days and the days when we need to be indoors that presents the need for a toddler outing. When narrowing down my options for a toddler outing with my son, I end up with just a few choices. One is Chuck E. Cheese, which he loves, but it can be costly if we go there too often. Each … Continue reading

Why Toddlers Whine

My son’s new thing is whining, which I find very annoying. I want to understand why he is doing this and I’m trying very hard not to lose my patience with him. It is the constant sound of the whining that bothers me. While explaining this to my mother, she asked me how I could handle the tantrums he throws and not the whining. I answered that whining means he isn’t mad enough or upset enough to throw a tantrum, but he can’t just be okay with whatever is going on. I know this isn’t the scientific version of whining … Continue reading

Toddler Rocking Horses

A cherished gift given to many babies and toddlers is a rocking horse. Whether it is made of wood or plastic, rocking horses are sure to get plenty of attention from toddlers. For Christmas this year, my son received “Legend,” the rocking horse with movement and sound. He is plush and comes with his own brush. His mouth moves when he sings. He makes galloping sounds while being ridden. My son loves how “life-like” he is. When his ear is pressed, he neighs and moves his tail. It seems that all toddlers love rocking horses. I know I did when … Continue reading