Rock Your Routine With These Boredom Busters

Last month, I discussed the importance of routines for toddlers and their parents. In that same post, I mentioned that within the structure of your days there is plenty of room for freedom. It is important that we as parents make good use of that freedom both for ourselves and for our children so that none of us get bored. What kinds of things can you do in those spaces between your regular daily activities? The list is as limitless as your imagination. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Grab an empty dish pan, some dish soap, … Continue reading

Settling In To Our New Family Arrangement

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how Dylan was going through some tough adjustments as he became a big brother. Now that Blake is almost seven weeks old, we have all had a chance to get used to the way our family is now and things are settling down a bit. I am proud of how far Dylan has come in the past few weeks as far as understanding and working through his feelings about the experience. One thing that I am very happy about is that he no longer thinks that I am going to go away and … Continue reading

First Trip to The Science Museum

The other day, I had planned to go to the grocery store. Lately, I have been taking the boys to a playground near the grocery store for a few hours before going shopping. That arrangement has made everyone happy and makes for a fun day trip because it is about a 45 minute drive in each direction. When we got up in the morning, I realized that there would have to be a change in plans because it was raining. Rather than rescheduling grocery shopping to another day, I decided to find a rainy day activity in the area near … Continue reading

Toddler Snacks You Can Feel Good About

If you feel like you are lucky to get a few bites of each meal into your toddler, you are not alone. Even toddlers who enjoy eating are sometimes too busy to sit down long enough to eat an entire meal. Of course, they eventually do get hungry and they usually do not let you know about it until they are starving and want something to eat immediately. Parents can help their toddlers to get the nutrition that they need by offering a variety of nutritious, easy to prepare snacks throughout the day. Snacks that include both protein and fat … Continue reading

Going Places With Your Toddler

When you have a toddler, you may sometimes feel like it is quite a procedure to go out anywhere. Going out with your toddler, whether it is to the grocery store, the playground, or other places that you want to go or need to go is a good thing. Both of you benefit from contact with other people, and going to different places expands your toddler’s view of the world and gives him or her many opportunities for learning. It is worth the effort to go places with your toddler in tow, and the good news is that often a … Continue reading

Traveling for the Holidays

Are you planning a road trip this Christmas? Visiting family is important during the holidays, but traveling can be a little intimidating if you are a single parent. Just loading the kids up to go to the grocery store can be a challenge. You may be feeling a little discouraged about the long drive, but here are some tips and tricks we’ve learned from our own road trips to make the journey just a little less stressful. Bring plenty of things to keep the kids entertained. Long car rides are boring, especially for children who seem to have the attention … Continue reading

Pregnant Mother Vindicated

Remember the pregnant Honolulu mom, who was accused of stealing a couple of sandwiches from a local Safeway last week? Nicole Leszczynski and her husband were thrown into jail and their toddler taken into custody by Child Welfare Services all because they allegedly forgot to pay for a couple of chicken salad snacks they ate before leaving the store. Well, hopefully the rest of Nicole’s pregnancy will be stress-free from here on out. The 28-year-old mom, who made national headlines with her sandwich story, has been vindicated. According to news reports, Safeway decided to calm the PR firestorm they got … Continue reading

Reluctant Parents?

The other day I was dashing through the aisles of the grocery store desperately trying to find peanut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, yet highly nutritional individually wrapped snacks, which tasted good enough that the kids in my daughter’s first grade class would actually eat them. I narrowed my search to the Fruit Roll-Up/Gushers/Fruit by the Foot aisle and stood alongside a little boy who was busily scaling shelves. His parents were no where in sight. After five minuets of watching the kid scatter fruit snack boxes around like they were mini cardboard blocks I softly asked him if he knew where his … Continue reading

Managing Stress Centers: Getting Home

It has been a long day at the office, or at the school, or out and about. You get home. You’re tired. The children are tired. You all need dinner. This is when you need a professional cook. If you don’t have one, how do you organize your home so that you can feel good about getting home? This is something that we are still working on. My husband works late and sometimes stays at work, so usually it’s just me and my daughter. We do television in the morning but not in the afternoon. This means that on work … Continue reading

Preventing Tantrums

Every mother’s worst nightmare is having a cart full of groceries and all of a sudden her toddler throws the worst tantrum in the history of temper tantrums. Of course, when you feel like everyone is staring at you, every tantrum is the worst isn’t it? Usually there is nothing you can do short of taking your child out of the situation, away from irritated bystanders, who are an audience for your toddler. There is no magic way to stop tantrums, but what you can do is try to prevent them. It’s always easier to prevent a tantrum than to … Continue reading