Kids And Sugar – A Sticky Situation

Kids like to eat foods that taste sweet. That is a simple truth, and my son is no exception. My husband and I would like to think that we can prevent him from eating candy, cookies, ice cream, and other sweets until he is a bit older and, even then, very infrequently. It is not easy, though, and sometimes I wonder whether we are being unrealistic or unfair and whether our efforts to keep him nearly sugar free will have a lasting impact on his health and on his food choices. As a general rule, we don’t keep sweets at … Continue reading

Life With Toddler And Baby – It Gets Easier

It has been about three and a half months since Dylan’s little brother Blake was born. In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday, but in other ways it feels like it has been much longer than three and a half months. Perhaps that is because things have gotten much easier with time. Life with a baby and a toddler is never exactly easy, but when I compare what our days feel like right now to what they felt like when Blake was just a few weeks old there is a huge difference. It is only natural to … Continue reading

Toddlers And Sports

If it seems to you that children are participating in sports at much younger ages than they did when you were a kid, you’re right. More and more kids are beginning to play sports at younger and younger ages. There is considerable debate over whether or not early involvement in organized athletics is beneficial for children. It is undisputed that children need physical activity, and plenty of it in order to develop strong, healthy bodies and minds. It is also clear that many children do not get enough physical activity, and that their health suffers because of that. Many children … Continue reading

Balance Bike for Toddlers

When my husband and I started dating he took me to a supercross race in Anaheim. I knew about motocross, but hadn’t watched a race before. Motorcycles really weren’t my thing. I was excited about spending the night with him, but would have liked to bring a book along with me. I was not prepared for how much fun we were going to have. Being in the stadium with all the people was a blast. I don’t enjoy sports, so I hadn’t been to many games. I’d been to a number of stadium concerts and was a regular theater-goer. The … Continue reading

Toddlers and Beer Don’t Mix

I’m the mother of a toddler. When Jessie first started on table food, she would eat everything. Thanksgiving at my parents’ house just after she turned one was an exciting exploration in tastes. Jessie’s first cousin once removed, who is about six-and-a-half months older, said “no” to a lot and ate little. Meanwhile Jessie shoveled food off of my plate into her mouth. I’m now blessed with the dining habits of a two-year-old. I swear that toddlers live on air. She wants a lot of different foods throughout the day, but doesn’t eat very much. However, she’s a good drinker. … Continue reading

Homeschool Groups and Resources in Indiana A-H

Getting involved with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling It is important to join a homeschool network or support group in your area, There are also many homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, we are covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Indiana homeschool groups and resources, A-H. Academy You AcademyYOU is a public virtual charter school with its home office located in Little River, Kansas. Students located in Kansas can enroll at no cost as their funding … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Good News For Sports-Loving and Turban Wearing Flyers

Flights on Denver-based Frontier Airlines may soon resemble the inside of a sports bar now that the Colorado Rockies have made it to the World Series. Airline officials just announced that they are negotiating with DirecTV for permission to show the World Series on its flights following the Rockies sweep of Arizona last night. Frontier Airlines currently offers satellite TV on flights, but its contract does not include Fox, so it is negotiating with DirecTV to get permission to show the World Series. To do so the airline also needs to make sure it has the rights to air live … Continue reading

Are You Uncomfortable Being Frugal?

Whenever a lot of money is being spent, I tend to be uncomfortable, even if I am not the one doing the spending. Just hearing about lavish consumption kind of creeps me out. I keep wondering about the mortgage on the friend of a friend’s McMansion or how I could apply the cost of someone’s lavish vacation to building up our retirement fund. I don’t know how to react when friends give their toddlers spa days or I am invited to jewelry parties, or when the suggested contribution to the teacher’s or pastor’s gift is three figures (nothing against our … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Drink Too Much Juice?

I have yet to meet a toddler who does not like juice. Juice tastes sweet and it is refreshing when one is thirsty from playing hard. Toddlers often ask for juice, and many parents are happy to provide it. After all it’s juice, and juice comes from fruit, right? It turns out that juice is not as great of a beverage option for your toddler as many of us thought. Many drinks that are labeled as juice contain added sugar and artificial coloring, and those are not good things for toddlers to be consuming. While a cup of diluted, 100 … Continue reading

Loving Your Toddler On His Terms

Did you know that even though you do many things every day that express your love towards your toddler, he may not always perceive himself as being loved? Things like home – cooked meals, nice clothes, and fun toys are some of the things that we strive to provide for our children out of love, in addition to hugs and kisses. Our toddlers are unique individuals, and each of them needs us to express our love to them not only on our terms, but on their terms as well. How are we to know what kinds of things will show … Continue reading