Things to Know About Preschoolers and YouTube Videos

Your preschooler may have developed an interest in YouTube videos. There are some videos out there that were created for young children to view. The majority of YouTube, however, is not intended for young children. Here are some things that parents need to know about preschoolers and YouTube videos. Limit Screen Time The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that television and other entertainment media should be avoided for infants and children under age 2. They also recommend that children and teens should engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours per day – and that the media … Continue reading

Talking To Toddlers About Major Storms

It seems as though it has been weeks since reports about Hurricane Sandy first started to appear all over the news and all other forms of media. In reality, it has only been about a week since coverage of the storm and its anticipated path started. If you are a parent of young children, you may certainly be concerned about keeping your family safe. However, you are probably equally concerned with keeping the kids calm. When everybody is preparing for a storm like Sandy, things look and feel different wherever you go. Little ones can see and feel the differences … Continue reading

Toddlers And Television

As with any topic related to parenting toddlers, the topic of television is one where families vary greatly in their approaches. Some families avoid any and all television. Some have multiple televisions which are on much of the time. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of the television spectrum. Personally, we only have one television in our home. It is in our bedroom. It is not hooked up to cable, satellite, or any other television service. We have a DVD player, and that is what we use the television for. As far as what kind of programming and … Continue reading

Totally Over “Toddlers and Tiaras”

Enough with the bashing of the abomination that is Toddlers and Tiaras. The hit TLC reality show, which features young girls competing in beauty and glitz pageants, has been making headlines again since the airing of recent episodes that clearly illustrate that the some parents don’t utilize the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within their cranium. Translation: Dumb parents making lame-brain decisions equal big ratings and major media attention. Then again, what do you expect when you dress up your three-year-old as Julia Roberts’ prostitute character from Pretty Woman or force your four-year-old to strap … Continue reading

Toddlers and Cheerleading

A few nights ago I was on my way to an event dinner with my moms’ group and I was listening to a radio program. I don’t remember who the host was who was filling in for the regular host, but she was talking about how much she cannot stand cheerleading. I couldn’t take my ears off the program. I enjoy watching cheerleading. I love Bring It On for the cheering. Every fall since the show started we watch Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. It is a lot of fun to watch what it takes to become one of … Continue reading

TV Watching and the Toddler

Most toddlers have short attention spans and will, thankfully, limit their own television watching. Unhealthy habits can form when kids get too much TV. The general rule is for a child to view no more than 30 minutes of television a day. Even educational programming counts against this time. Educational programming does provide great information, but most toddlers will learn these skills in due time without having to watch it on television. Experts say that kids, who watch more than 30 minutes of TV a day, are developing sedentary lifestyle habits, which will be hard to overcome when they get … Continue reading

Why Toddlers Whine

My son’s new thing is whining, which I find very annoying. I want to understand why he is doing this and I’m trying very hard not to lose my patience with him. It is the constant sound of the whining that bothers me. While explaining this to my mother, she asked me how I could handle the tantrums he throws and not the whining. I answered that whining means he isn’t mad enough or upset enough to throw a tantrum, but he can’t just be okay with whatever is going on. I know this isn’t the scientific version of whining … Continue reading

Dancing Toddlers

My son loves to dance. Is this just a natural interest for toddlers? Do all toddlers love music and dance? I’ve been thinking about enrolling my son in some sort of toddler dance class. He is interested in all kinds of music and dances to anything. I’ve been reading up on toddler dance classes and looking for something to get him enrolled in. I found that they offer “Tiptoes & Tumbling” classes, which are designed to encourage creativity, coordination, skills, musicality and rhythm. Another class I found is “Pre-School Tap, Ballet & Tumbling” for ages 3 to 5. At another … Continue reading

Time Outs for Toddlers

To say I am a firm believer in time outs for toddlers is an understatement. I have tried everything to get my son to behave and listen to what I tell him. He is a very strong-willed, hard-headed, stubborn child. He is full of energy and determination. Consequently, he is always getting into trouble. My son’s most recent reaction to getting into trouble is to smile and come over and hug me. I recently told him, “I don’t want a hug. I want you to listen and to do what you are told.” At that point, he leaned in and … Continue reading

Shopping with Toddlers

Whether or not you love to shop, going to the store with a toddler in tow is much different from shopping alone or with older kids or adults. Today, I took my toddler to the mall. I survived. I didn’t think I would. At least when I go shopping alone or with an adult or even with a teenager, they walk by themselves without asking to be carried. My son just had to have me carry him and that took a toll on my back. I remember a few years ago when I went shopping with my friend and her … Continue reading