Toddlers on the Run

Imagine leaving your beloved toddler with people, who are getting paid money to watch him, only to receive a phone call from police saying that your child is lucky to be alive. How would you respond? The words “fear” and “rage” come to my mind. Unfortunately, for parents of two toddler boys left at an Anaheim, California YMCA day care center the aforementioned scenario was not hypothetical. According to reports, numerous calls came into the Anaheim police department last week when residents noticed two young boys walking near railroad tracks. The two-year-old boys reportedly escaped from the YMCA’s outdoor playground … Continue reading

Toddler Gets Stuck in Potty

My toddler nephew has fallen into the potty more than once. The tales of his recovery have not been pretty, which is why I think my preschool daughter clings to the sides of the toilet for dear life whenever she has to relieve herself. Still, all of my nephew’s falls have been accidental, which is more than I can say for 3-year-old Rebecca Rogers. Like many curious tots her age, the inquisitive little girl couldn’t resist peering into the toilet at her family’s UK home. Though, instead of using the commode to pee, the toddler decided it could be put … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Fit Through a Doggy Door?

My preschooler does, so I’m pretty sure the average size toddler can get in and out with no problem. Unfortunately, this is not a good thing. Despite the fact that my daughter brags about her “doggy trick” with limitless aplomb, the fact that she can shimmy through a pet door is no reason to celebrate. Fortunately, the doggy door she has come to embrace doesn’t belong to us, so I do have something to cheer about. Frankly, I was a bit shocked that she fit through the tiny door. The size of the opening is deceptively small. According to experts, … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Make You Cry?

If he doesn’t sleep through the night, is a hellion on the playground, goes on joy rides without you knowing it or breaks into other people’s homes when he’s supposed to be in time-out, then there’s a good chance you’ve shed a few tears in the last week or so. The good news: If you’re a mom and your toddler’s behavior makes you weep, you aren’t alone. Whether you have a rambunctious toddler or not, a new poll shows that the average woman cries for 12,012.92 hours over the course of 78.5 years. To put that into perspective, women basically … Continue reading

Why Toddlers and Jeeps Don’t Mix

Earlier this week a father driving a Jeep made a U-turn. Unfortunately, his 2-year-old son did not. According to reports, the toddler, who was strapped inside his carseat, which was placed in the back of the Jeep, flew out of the vehicle when the dad executed the turn. Fortunately (or should I say miraculously), the little boy did not suffer life-threatening injuries, at least according to a fire battalion chief in Wisconsin, who happened to witness the entire incident unfold right before his eyes. Chief Matt Haerter told local reporters that he saw the boy fly out of the Jeep … Continue reading

Toddlers and Guns Don’t Mix

Newsflash: Loaded guns and toddlers don’t mix. In other news… saying something will never happen to you, typically begets negative results. Just ask these parents: In Las Vegas some heat packing parents are hoping beyond hope that their 2-year-old daughter will survive after being shot by their 4-year-old. According to police, the girl is in critical condition while the father remains in custody for allegedly leaving a improperly secured loaded gun laying around in the family’s home. In South Carolina, a 3-year-old boy shot his 4-year-old brother with a gun he allegedly found under the bed at the home of … Continue reading