How to Help Your Kids Fall Asleep

Sleep is important. We all know what it feels like to have to get up and start the day after not having enough sleep. Before parents can turn in for the night they need to make sure their children are asleep. What can you do if your child is resisting bedtime or getting up at night? Here are some ideas that could help your kids to fall asleep. How much sleep do kids really need? The National Sleep Foundation has some recommendations that are based upon the age of the person. Adults need less sleep than children and babies do. … Continue reading

Toddlers And Sharing

Sharing is one of those things that every parent wishes would come naturally for their child. Of course, sharing does not come naturally to toddlers. The ability to share grows in a person as the ability to empathize develops. Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand what another person is feeling, and empathy is a complex emotional skill that develops slowly throughout childhood. In other words, expecting a toddler to share is not realistic. That does not mean that a toddler should be allowed to hog all of the toys at play group, or to snatch toys away from … Continue reading

Talking To Toddlers About Major Storms

It seems as though it has been weeks since reports about Hurricane Sandy first started to appear all over the news and all other forms of media. In reality, it has only been about a week since coverage of the storm and its anticipated path started. If you are a parent of young children, you may certainly be concerned about keeping your family safe. However, you are probably equally concerned with keeping the kids calm. When everybody is preparing for a storm like Sandy, things look and feel different wherever you go. Little ones can see and feel the differences … Continue reading

A Not So Funny Thing Happened Today

As difficult as being a stay at home mom to a toddler and an infant can be, I would not trade it for any other set of circumstances in the world. On days where things are not going so well, it is easy to day dream about what my life might be like if I were working and the boys were at day care. Today, something happened that made it absolutely clear to me that home with my boys is really where my heart is. We were in the car, going home from the grocery store. Dylan was munching on … Continue reading

Last Minute Costume Ideas For Toddlers

Did you just look at the calendar and have a minor meltdown because Halloween is a week away? Parents of toddlers are busy, and sometimes things like buying or making Halloween costumes fall by the wayside as we try to take care of the necessities each day before we run out of time and energy. Fortunately, there are a few quick and inexpensive costumes that you can whip up in no time so that your little monsters won’t miss any Halloween fun. If your child has a rain coat and rain boots, you are on your way to making a … Continue reading

What Do Kids Do At Home Based Preschool?

One thing that is often on the mind of parents of toddlers is preschool. After all, once a toddler is no longer a toddler, he becomes part of the “preschoolers” age group whether or not he actually attends preschool. I am not sure why that is, and this morning when I was talking with my husband about it he agreed that it seems a bit odd to define an entire age group by something that not every child does. Perhaps the reason that it seems odd to us is that our soon – to – be preschooler is unlikely to … Continue reading

Surviving Spring Break

Day One of spring break and the living is easy. Day Two of spring break and the excitement of being out of school is still fresh. Day Three of spring break and the Easter sugar high is waning. Day Seven of spring break and mommy is ready to carpool… solo. Where are you on the spring break scale? My daughter’s Catholic elementary school breaks for nearly two weeks around the Easter holiday. This is great if you are traveling to Hawaii; not so much if you are stuck home for the entire school recess. If you are looking to preserve … Continue reading

Christian Character Curricululm: We Choose Virtues

We Choose Virtues is dedicated to instilling children with godly character. With whimsical artwork and an engaging style children easily learn the value of displaying virtue. In my years as a homeschooling mom, writer and curriculum reviewer, I am always faced with moms who want a curriculum focused on training up their children to display godly character and virtue. We Choose Virtues was developed by a preschool teacher and children’s pastor who saw this need and decided to fill the gap for her children and for your children. The program fits nicely into a homeschool, school or church environment. If … Continue reading

Cooperative Game: Count Your Chickens

Peaceable Kingdom’s mission is to make good, do good, and be good. What does that mean? Here are the standards by which Peaceable Kingdom operates: (taken from their website) *we create fresh, fun, award-winning products that educate, inspire, and tickle funny bones *we donate frequently to charitable organizations that support the well-being of children *we are committed to working only with socially-conscious manufacturers *we use sustainable and eco-friendly materials like FSC and recycled papers, soy-based inks, and corn-based plastics whenever we can *we maintain integrity in all business relationships *we have fun while we work! I’d say that all qualifies … Continue reading

More Favorite Preschool Curriculum

Yesterday I shared some of my favorite preschool educational materials. Here are a few more I have seen success with while homeschooling preschool. Kumon Workbooks: Kumon workbooks are based on a method created by, Toru Kumon, who originally developed these books to help his own son. The Kumon method promises success by allowing children to master skills in small bites. The workbooks are designed as a supplement to a child’s regular curriculum. The workbooks, My First Book of Cutting and My First Book of Pasting, were a huge hit with my preschoolers. The books are filled with colorful illustrations that … Continue reading