Bad Mommies Let Their Kids Sleep in the Car

A new study slams parents who let sleeping babies lie… in their infant car seats. According to researchers parents who allow their passed out kids to remain strapped in their car seats while they rush to unload the groceries from the trunk, grab the mail from the end of the driveway, or pick stale Cheerios from in between their vehicle’s upholstery, are putting their child’s life in danger. Oh wait. That’s me. Apparently, good mommies are the ones, who risk waking up their overtired tots by removing them from their infant seats, and placing them in their cribs to sleep. … Continue reading

Why Toddlers and Jeeps Don’t Mix

Earlier this week a father driving a Jeep made a U-turn. Unfortunately, his 2-year-old son did not. According to reports, the toddler, who was strapped inside his carseat, which was placed in the back of the Jeep, flew out of the vehicle when the dad executed the turn. Fortunately (or should I say miraculously), the little boy did not suffer life-threatening injuries, at least according to a fire battalion chief in Wisconsin, who happened to witness the entire incident unfold right before his eyes. Chief Matt Haerter told local reporters that he saw the boy fly out of the Jeep … Continue reading