Teaching Respect

Have you ever been in a public place and watched a young child, or even a teenager talk to his or her parent with a complete lack of respect? I always feel bad for the mom but I feel worse for the child. Someone has taught him that this behavior is not only acceptable, but a normal way to get what you want. As a single mother it’s hard to be the only disciplinarian but we must do it. How our children treat us now is a reflection of how they will treat us and other adults when they are … Continue reading

Our Evolution of Discipline Part II

We continued disciplining him with time outs on the spot and he began to learn what he could and could not do. He had good days where he was put into time out only once or twice the entire day and bad days where he seemed to be in time out all day long. Still his behavior was improving and he seemed to understand that certain actions would merit a time out which he did not like. As he got a little older how we disciplined evolved a little bit. He went from having his time outs sitting where he … Continue reading

I Can Hear You I’m Just Not Listening

If you are the parent of a toddler, chances are that you sometimes feel like your child can not hear what you are saying to him or her. Most toddlers can hear quite well, and that is usually not the problem. The problem is that they are not listening to the words that they are hearing from you. If this sounds like a familiar situation to you, you may want to take some time to think about how you say things to your child. It is possible that there might be some room for improvement regarding the clarity of the … Continue reading

Choices and Consequences

I have been reading a lot about toddlers and discipline lately. One of the things that I have heard about as an effective tool for disciplining children is the concept of letting children experience the consequences of their actions. Parents explain to children that they have a choice as to how to behave in a particular situation, they explain the consequences of each choice, and then they let the children decide which consequences they will experience by letting them choose how they will behave in that situation. On its face, the concept makes sense but what I have been having … Continue reading

Today Was a Great Day

The past few weeks have been a little crazy around here. Bringing a newborn home is a challenging time for parents, and when there is a toddler involved the challenge is even greater. A period of adjustment is to be expected, and every toddler will react differently to his or her new brother or sister. Although we tried to prepare Dylan for the arrival of his baby brother, he has had some trouble adjusting to our new family situation. What has been especially hard for him is sharing his Mommy with another person who has very big needs. While the … Continue reading

Solutions to Meal Time Madness

One challenge that the parents of toddlers often face is nutrition. Toddlers are notorious for being picky eaters. They also tend to become so engrossed in playing that they are reluctant to come to the table at mealtime and resist staying at the table once they are there. Of course there are things that toddlers are perfectly willing to eat – things like sugary sweets that you are probably trying to keep out of their diet, at least for the most part. So, what’s a parent to do when their toddler turns up his or her nose at the nutritious, … Continue reading