Is it A Cold Or Is It Allergies?

At this time of year, many little noses run and sniffle. It can be difficult to discern whether your toddler’s runny nose is the result of a cold or allergies because the two conditions have very similar symptoms. For the past couple of days, Dylan has had a very runny nose and I have been wondering what is causing it. Since it has only been a few days, it is too soon to tell whether the duration of Dylan’s runny nose is being caused by allergies or a cold. A cold lasts for a few days to a week, but … Continue reading

Why Won’t My Toddler Behave?

As your children transition from being infants to being toddlers, there will come a time when you realize that it is time to think about discipline. Your toddler needs you to help him or her learn what the rules and boundaries are, and to teach him or her to behave appropriately. This is often easier said than done, and many parents become frustrated and confused when their attempts at disciplining their toddler are not effective. The good news is that there is a lot of information and advice out there on the topic of discipline. The bad news is that … Continue reading

Becoming a Big Brother or Sister Part 2

Since Dylan became a big brother a month before we had expected that he would, we did not have all of the details in place for who he would spend time with during my labor and delivery. Well, that is not exactly true. We did have details in place, but we only had a plan “A” and not a plan “B”. As of a week before baby Blake’s arrival, everything was looking good and it seemed as though my dream of giving birth at home was about to become a reality. My husband and I talked about what Dylan would … Continue reading

Becoming a Big Brother or Sister – Part 1

This post is the first in a series about one of the biggest transitions that your toddler may encounter – becoming a big brother or big sister. Dylan became a big brother last Sunday, and while he has had his ups and downs he is doing well for someone so young who is going through such a major life change. My husband and I had been preparing him for the arrival of his little brother, but all of the preparation in the world can not fully insulate your toddler from the feeling of being Mom and Dad’s only child to … Continue reading

Working Through Situations With Your Intense Child

If you are not a temperamentally intense person, it can be difficult to understand a temperamentally intense child. I am definitely not what you would call an intense person, I’m pretty easygoing and generally go with the flow. Dylan, on the other hand, is very intense. He reacts to things, both positive and negative, in a very strong way. It is never difficult to know what he thinks about something. Children with intense temperaments bring a depth of experience into our worlds that we have not previously known, if we are not intense ourselves. When they laugh, it comes from … Continue reading

Redirecting Rage

Have you heard of the phrases? Going Postal Cheerleader Mom Soccer Dad These phrases describe behavior that is related to a mood disorder called IED (intermittent explosive disorder) and it seems that about 7.3% of American adults have. There are a number of studies being done in American psychiatry in order to diagnose, treat and help to avoid the dangerous consequences of such behavior. Most people who are susceptible to IED are prone to bouts of anxiety and depression as well as more likely to suffer from substance abuse. One of the signs of IED is a sudden, explosive anger … Continue reading